Hosting a Mom Swap

My friend Joey is Hosting a Mom Swap at her house on Wednesday, April 7.
Time: 9:30-12 Noon.

This is a great time to do your spring cleaning and get rid of all those baby clothes, toddler clothes, baby items, maternity clothes, your husbands clothes you just can't stand haha, household items, toys, movies, games etc.

All the moms will bring their stuff and place it on the appropriate tables. Then you are free to browse and take whatever you need or if you know of a mom in need of some items. 
This is a great time to grab an item that you need or want. And it is free!!

All the left over clothes, toys etc will be donated to an abused children's shelter in Westside Costa Mesa. If you know of another organization that is in need please let me know.

I hope you all can make it.

Any questions call Joey Sacuy

199 Mesa Drive 
Costa Mesa CA 92627


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