3rd Annual Quest for Zion

Where do I start we had so much fun this time Joe & Jackson hiked to the top of Angels Landing (4.8 Miles 1500 feet with steep elevation gain) I can't tell you how proud I am of my boy and seeing his face when he finished, he was so excited. We also Hiked Watchman Trail as a family (3 Miles 300-ft elevation gain) This was A's first time hiking a big hike in Zion he did so great only a little complaining. We also did some smaller hikes to Weeping rock & Lower Emerald Pools. Alex turned 6 this year and we celebrated his Birthday while camping!! We Love Zion so much!! See you next year! Top of Angels Landing! Walters Wiggles Top of Watchman Big Horned Sheep A cairn is a man-made pile (or stack) of stones. The word cairn comes from the Scottish Gaelic : càrn (plural càirn ). [1] Our Home away from Home! Cousins hiking to Weeping Rock .5-miles Weeping Rock Last Hike of th...