Fifth Week of Project 365

Jan 25th, 2010 Look everyone I have a tooth. More coming Jan 26th, 2010 I couldn't find Jackson downstairs, he was in the garage working on daddy's bike. Joe is training for the Solvang 100 Mile ride again and Jackson is very excited. He's really not suppose to play with Dad's bike so I told him he had to wait till tonight. Jan 27th, 2010 Today I worked from home while Jackson was at school and this is my view. I love remote servers. Jan 28th, 2010 Star Wars need I say More... Jan 29th, 2010 We had a really high tide so Jackson and Joe were checking it out, Also Grandma Doris got Jackson a new car so now we have a parking lot. Jan 30th, 2010 Jackson & Alexander Playing in there room so sweet, Also went to Lucilles with the in-laws aww I miss Lucilles... Jan 31st, 2010 Picture of Jackson with a pelican in the background.