I was thinking about things I can't live without. And here it is! #1. Would have to be my Digital Camera Jackson's getting to that point in his life that he knows mama always has her camera. Example : His new thing is he'll grab a toy off a shelf and tell me to take his picture for Santa to see. #2. My Starbucks Venti Tumbler for my ice lattes or ice water. My new cup - Guy not included. #3. My Boys. (They're really #1 but, Joe's Golfing, Jackson's grumpy & well Alex is sleeping so he just got stuck in the middle.) #4. Sunday night meal planning. (every mom's secret) #5. Finally moving to the dark side and getting the Mom Van. I can't live without it now. #6. Costco, Whole Food & Target my Grocery Trifecta in that order and only at the NEW Tustin District #7. Paperback Swap for all my literary needs. Paperback Swap #8. My Backpacker Magazine for new hiking ideas, Also the Halloween Issue from Martha Stewart. #9. My MacBook Laptop. (Love my ...