
Showing posts from September, 2009

Check out this bike! I think i'm in love

While searching my favorite blogs I found this cool link for a bike giveaway check it out.

Alexander is rolling over!!!

We made it!

We had to Stop the signs were begging... We went to Bravo Farms a small little place that makes cheese.

422 Miles to Sacremento

Mile Marker 301 update - Boys are doing great just got hashbrowns. Jacksons loving the trucks and mountains. Sending pictures soon as we get to the hotel. Love The Samples

Birthday Dinner with the family

We went to dinner with the family for our birthdays at the Old Spaghetti Factory it was so much fun. I love hanging with my sisters & the Fam, the boys did so well and Jackson got to show grandpa & grandma what he wants from Christmas. Can't wait till the next get together!!! Grandpa & Jackson Grandma & Alexander Oh Daddy Mama & Jackson Happy Birthday Summer Babies!

Joe's Guide to taking care of Alexander

Its not really Joe's Guide its just things he does to keep Alexander Happy when mom's not home! Here's to you my husband I love you for doing what you do and for giving me the most beautiful family in the world. The Finger in the mouth. Don't tell me you haven't done it.

Christmas Spoiler (Grandma's don't look)

Handmade Christmas Gifts this year! Jackson & mommy are making handmade Christmas gifts this year for our family members, I'm so excited hopefully we get them all done. Jackson painted two bird houses with help from Auntie Julie while mommy cut out fabric for the shopping bags that i'm making. (pictures to follow)

Family BBQ - Bounce it up!

Summer Birthdays Happy Birthday Fam!! Love you guys Thanks for hosting Dina it was soooo good!

OC Resturant Week!

The Samples went to JT Schmid's in Tustin last night for restaurant week. OMG so good. Here's our Experience Ice Cream Sandwich The Cowboy Burger We started out with the Avocado Egg Rolls & Sweet Potato Fries - I highly recommend both but be ready for a lot of food (sharing is not allowed per the menu). For our Entrees Joe had the Buffalo Chicken Pizza (spicy Joe was sweating) I had the cowboy burger with fries it was huge. Jackson had the cheese pizza which was really good also. For Desert we had the Coconut Crème Brulée & Double Fudge Ice Cream Sandwich. I have to say I was nervous when we got there because it didn't look like a family friendly place and the hostess didn't even crack a smile but when I asked her to redirect us to a booth and our server came out things started looking up. He was super nice and very attentive. I totally recommend this restaurant the food was great and the atmosphere was great try to get ther...

King Bryan's B-day

Green Knights Going Down ! Last Night we went out to Medieval Time with are friends for Bryan's Birthday... We all had so much fun no babies, no drama just hanging out and catching up. Love you guys thanks for the great time Happy Birthday Bryan, Great Night Jamie thanks for planning it. Can't wait till the next!

Meal Planning 101

Information - menu-plan-monday but for me its meal-plan-sunday. :) Since going back to work and Jackson starting back to school, I have to be super prepared. So on Sunday night we get lunch's ready and do our dinner prep for the week. I wake up Monday morning feeling prepared and confident that our week will go smoothly for me and the boys. Step 1. Plan out dinners for Monday-Friday (if your us one day is a free/leftover day) Step 2. Make a Grocery List - We shop at Whole Foods & Costco Step 3. On Sunday Night prep your dinners & lunches. For us we write out our dinners on the calendar so its easy to see what your having that day. Also you will know what your bringing for lunch. So say Monday were having Steak, Potatoes & Veggies then for lunch the next day will have steak sandwiches. You get the picture its so easy and it will cut your grocery bills because your not buying what your not going to eat. Also saving the environment! Good Luck and Meal Plan Away

We Took Grandma Jerrie to Downtown Disney

Last night The Samples took grandma Jerrie to downtown disney. We walk around ate dinner and showed her all the great sites. Jackson got to go to the Lego Store and pick out what he wants for Christmas. So mama took picture to show Santa. (Of course he got a little something from Grandma, he was a good boy) I also got a great family picture of grandma and the boys. This is the one he got to take home...

Baby Brothers New Shirt

My Favorite Hat into a cute new shirt

Things I Love - Top 10

I was thinking about things I can't live without. And here it is! #1. Would have to be my Digital Camera Jackson's getting to that point in his life that he knows mama always has her camera. Example : His new thing is he'll grab a toy off a shelf and tell me to take his picture for Santa to see. #2. My Starbucks Venti Tumbler for my ice lattes or ice water. My new cup - Guy not included. #3. My Boys. (They're really #1 but, Joe's Golfing, Jackson's grumpy & well Alex is sleeping so he just got stuck in the middle.) #4. Sunday night meal planning. (every mom's secret) #5. Finally moving to the dark side and getting the Mom Van. I can't live without it now. #6. Costco, Whole Food & Target my Grocery Trifecta in that order and only at the NEW Tustin District #7. Paperback Swap for all my literary needs. Paperback Swap #8. My Backpacker Magazine for new hiking ideas, Also the Halloween Issue from Martha Stewart. #9. My MacBook Laptop. (Love my ...