Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween I mean it you need to be Happy..... The day started off Great... Then Husband had a work emergency and getting home at two was more like i will see you at Jen's at five maybe Then Jackson hated his hat hence the very sad Pirate, But it all turned out great. Daddy got to the party and the hat problem was solved... Jaden did pushups in the hall she is Spider Woman you know. Cohen was the cutest frog I have ever seen. Taylor was Snow White and somehow spilled the hold bubble machine down her dress :( Then was a fairy and kept saying all done and ended up in her tights and bow. Little Che was a dragon. not to many pics of the Black Spiderman Cooper I think he was busy saving lives that night :) We did go Trick or Treating and I have never laughed so hard in my life the kids kept tripping and Jackson Kept walking into peoples houses the second they opened the door and yes we only went to five houses.. Well two Halloween's down and so many more to go i love th...